Why is TikTok Thriving?

Since its launch in 2016, the popularity of TikTok remains on an upward trajectory. Originally led by early Gen Z adopters, it’s become part of the daily media loop we’re all familiar with. With word of pullbacks from Twitter, Meta, and other media giants, why is TikTok thriving? The downfall of other platforms have seen […]

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Is It Time We Re-thought Generational Age Profiling?

Is it time we re-thought generational age profiling?

Is it time we re-thought generational age profiling? As a digital marketing, planning, and buying agency operating broadly within education and youth marketing, we are probably complicit in a well-established trend in segmentation which, when you really think about it, makes very little sense. ‘Gen Z’ is the focus of myriad articles and blogs, and […]

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