The Ask

As an established institution, Warwick Law School already knew how to successfully communicate their brand story. Their established mix of social media campaigns, email blasts, and advertorials are consistent performers for the university. What the law school required was help further diversifying their media channel mix to speak to new audiences.

The ask for Adgen was to reach a more focused and unique audience promoting their Post Graduate Courses. The main goal was to increase general awareness of the 5 different Master of Law programs. Increases in overall student inquiries and eventual applications were also considered as measure of success. Our team got to work on an overall awareness and traffic plan to run from Sept 2020 to July 2021.

Warwick Law Creative

The Solution

The year-long campaign consisted of a mix of platforms and formats, including Google, LinkedIn, and Prospects.

To shake up WLS’ traditional venders, Adgen tapped into the power of mobile marketing. Teaming up with our partners at Fonemedia, we implemented video display ads geared towards locations which had historically generated the highest quality applications.

To ensure the campaign only reached users interested in PG Law courses we also layered Google keyword searches, behaviours and interests onto the targeting, helping to strengthen and refine the potential applicant pool.

Additional Clicks
CTR Over Benchmark
Higher VTR

The Result

While the overall campaign was a success, our diversification of platforms was the sparking achievement of the campaign. Through contextually relevant targeting on handheld devices we were able to not only reach the intended target, but provide them opportunities to engage. The results of the strategy speak for themselves.

The month-long video campaign with Fonemedia surpassed expectations. Media exceeded estimated clicks by over 5% while delivering over 100k completed video views. The content also successfully cut through the clutter, eclipsing industry video CTR by 34% and video view through rates by over 10%.

To view case studies similar to Warwick Law School click here.